Waves can occur when a system is disturbed from its equilibrium position and if it can run or disturbance propagates from a region within that system to other areas within a certain time interval.In its journey, it is usually a wave of energy moving from place to place of origin in its path.
Establishment of Waves
In Figure 1.1. In a wave of water that will happen. So a wave will occur when there are sources of vibration and there are merambatkannya. In the wave propagation occurs vibrational energy.
Types of Wavess
Under the direction of propagation and vibration directionsv
1. Transverse waves
1. Transverse waves
Transverse wave is the wave propagation direction perpendicular to the direction of vibration. For example water waves, and light cords.
2. Longitudinal Waves Longitudinal waves namely wave propagation direction and parallel to the direction of vibration. Examples spring and the sound wave.
Based on the medium
1. Mechanical Waves Namely mechanical waves need a medium in which waves propagate. For example the string and sound waves.
2. Electromagnetic Waves waves that do not require the media in the vine. These waves are called electromagnetic waves. Examples of light, radio waves and X-rays.
Based on the amplitudesv
1. Waves Walking Wave amplitude remained the traveling wave. Traveling wave has the properties at any point through which would have the same amplitude. Note the traveling wave from the source O to the point p which is a distance x in Figure 1.4. How to determine the deviation at the point p? Deviation can be determined from the deviation of the resonance by using time travel. If O t seconds vibrating means vibrates titikp have tp seconds with the relationship:
Wave amplitude changes according to the position of stationary waves.Stationary wave of wave interference comes and reflected waves have equal amplitude and frequency but opposite directions. Stationary waves on the free end of the free end of the reflected wave does not experience phase reversal, resulting in a wave stationary wave,
Free Edge
Free end of the stationary wave is also formed of two traveling wave is a wave coming and reflected waves.Waves come: y1 = A sin (ωt - k (l-x)]Reflected waves: y2 = A sin (ωt - k (l + x)]Something in between can use mathematical analysis in accordance with the attached end of the stationary waves.
End Tied
Examples of stationary waves are waves vibrated the other end of the rope and tied the other end
You may consider the stationary wave ends tied in Figure 1.6. Waves are formed from two waves of the wave came and reflected waves. Deviation equation at P meet the combination of both. Has a deviation of the incident wave:y1 = A sin [ωt - k (l - x)]While the reflected wave has a deviation:y2 =-A sin [ωt - k (l + x)]The combination of the incident wave y1, y2 with reflected waves meet at a point pyp = y1 + y2
= A sin [ωt - k (l - x)] - A sin [ωt - k (l + x)]
= 2A cos (ωt - kx + t + kl - kl + kx) sin (ωt - kx + kl - kl + t + kx)
= 2A cos (2 ωt - 2kl). sin (2kx)
yp = 2A sin kx cos (ωt - kl) .................. (1.8)Equation 1.8 shows that the tip bonded stationary wave amplitude is incorporated in its position that satisfy the following equation.Ap = 2A sin kx ........................................... (1.9)
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